“Sound it Out!”
When asking, “how do you spell…..?” the answer was always the same, “look it up!”
Now I, for one, never understood the concept of how to look up a word in the dictionary when you did not know how to spell it in the first place. Is it one of those “the answer’s in the question” kind of things? When I didn’t know how to get started or I seemed to get stuck the answer was always the same, “sound it out.” An occasional sound-it-out hint would fly my way after frustration began setting in.
Our dictionary world has changed! The three to four inch book that set in the special dictionary spot is a rare find, but look out and thank you, Siri and Alexa and whomever else is in my house today! The day we got two dictionaries in the house was the day it was, GAME ON! Best of out five word races many times resulted in a whole quarter! That quarter (one) was passed around from word to word – all bets and reputations were on the table with each new word.
So without the 2-seconds or less answer by speaking into an object a little larger than a deck of cards, the challenge is to go old school and race against a second hand. The second hand is the long, skinny hand on the clock. The clock is the round wall art……anyway, time one another! Dictionary Races can be played with that old dusted off dictionary that sits between the Betty Crocker Cookbook and your grandmother’s Bible 🙂 or find an app!! Either way – keep the quarter moving and have a great time. Oh, and learn how to spell a few words along the way!
We’d love to see what you come up with! Please send pics or post using #coachemup_llc so others may run with your ideas and share in the fun!
Thank you.
Deborah Newkirk, Founder | COACH ‘EM UP
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